Tonsils infection: let the law of nature prevail

An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on March 28, 2011

Tonsils filter out bacteria and other germs that cause infections in throat, mouth or sinuses. They contain infection-fighting cells and antibodies that halt further intrusion and spread of germs in the body. They are placed at the back of the mouth, one on the left and the other on the right side. They are made up of a soft glandular tissue.
Sometimes bacteria or viruses get into the tonsils and infect them. As a result they swell and become inflamed causing tonsillitis.
The infection may cause difficulty in swallowing, ear pain, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, and loss of voice. The patients may also tend to suffer from blocked nose especially while lying down and that may cause snoring.
Tonsillitis is uncommon during the first year of life. But the incidence increases during the age of three to six years. It is common in school-going children when they are in close contact with one another as viruses do transmit from one to other easily and frequently.
Our immune system, usually within a few days, fight off these infections whether caused by a virus or a bacterium without leaving any problems. However, occasionally a typical tonsillitis may progress to cause a complication.
According to allopathic system of medicine throat swab culture test reports are needed to know the causative agent of tonsillitis for the treatment. Doctors treat each patient of tonsils infection with antibiotics, no matter weather caused by virus or bacteria though if virus is behind it the body fights off the infection on its own. For repeated attacks of tonsillitis, surgery remains the most popular option.
The medical literature shows that if the tonsils are not taken out, the individual may suffer from kidney failure, dehydration, rheumatic and related cardiovascular disorders.
It is no wonder that parents readily agreed to tonsillectomy of their children to save them from the above-mentioned life-threatening disease. Moreover the ice cream package is not less than any adventure for the kid. Certainly you may have observed that this surgery could only sooth the fear for a while. The removal of tonsils does not alleviate these sufferings.
On the other hand, the experience shows that such a drastic measure increases the susceptibility to diseases. During my practice, I have observed that almost 80% of kidney diseases, liver diseases, cancer and pancreas emanate from unnatural healing method. This tonsillitis treatment with antibiotics or surgery is the first step in denying and destroying the law of nature in the body healing process.
Tonsils are not simply the round shaped “balls”, they are an essential part of our body’s protective lymphatic system which discharges white blood cells that literally consume bacteria. They develop antibodies to fight against germs and microbes for defending the body from disease.
By removing the tonsils our immune system is severely weakened losing its ability to fight against the infection. We, in fact, welcome more infections in other parts of the body in this way.
I fear, just after this generation, it will be pretty hard to find a child having tonsils and the pharmaceutical business will be at its peak. My humble request to the parents is to kindly realise the importance of the primary protective function of the tonsils and save your child from tonsils surgery.
Homeopathy never allows tonsillectomy as a cure.
The homoeopathic treatment helps in curing tonsillitis by increasing the resistance (immunity) to repeated infections/exposure to allergens. This treatment will also reduce the intensity and frequency of recurrent attack of cough and cold besides promptly reducing the size of the inflamed tonsils.
Homoeopathy can root out the causes of repeated attacks of tonsillitis such as overwhelming infections that make the immune system susceptible.
Most probably for a homoeopathic physician this is an easy ailment to treat.
The message is take it easy until you feel better. Get plenty of rest. During sleep the body tends to fight infections more easily. Children should not be encouraged to go to school till the fever turns to normal.

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