Lets learn the learning disability
>> Thursday, January 17, 2013 –
Learning Disability
An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on March 21, 2009
Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kind of learning problems. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, learning spellings, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. It is sometimes linked to perceptual or memory problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined learning disabilities as a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind.
In the field of education the term learning disability basically means that the child or adult has difficulty in picking up new skills, both intellectually and socially.
Learning disabilities are the major cause of repetition of classes by the school going students in Pakistan. The overall repetition rate among the primary school students is very high, (33%), which results in the high drop-out rate.
Learning disabilities vary from person to person. One person may have trouble with reading and writing. Another person may have problems with understanding math. Still another person may have trouble in each of these areas, as well as in understanding what people are saying.
However, this is very important to know that the learning disabilities do not include the learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
There is no single sign that shows a person has a learning disability. Experts look for a noticeable difference between how well a child does in school and how well he or she could do. There are certain clues that may show a child has a learning disability.
When a child has a learning disability, he may have trouble learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds; mistakes when reading aloud, repeats and pauses often; not understand what he or she reads; has real trouble with spelling; messy handwriting or holds a pencil awkwardly, learns language late and have a limited vocabulary; not be able to recall a story in order.
Children with learning disabilities are often very good at a variety of other things. Find out what your child really enjoys doing, playing cricket, fixing toys or working with computers. Give your child plenty of opportunities to pursue his or her potentials and talents.
Research has shown that there are a number of factors leading to learning disabilities such as - the role of genes, problems in brain development (both before and after birth). Low birth weight, lack of oxygen, maternal drugs or premature birth, malnutrition, as well as poor prenatal care may be behind the development of learning disabilities.
Young children who sustain head injuries may also be at risk of developing a learning disorder. The developing fetus, infants, and young children are especially vulnerable to the damage caused by the environmental toxins. Some toxins implicated include certain food additives and preservatives may also cause learning disabilities later in life.
The day-to-day lives of people with a learning disability and their families have always been affected by the way they are perceived and treated by the communities they live in. The history of public and private attitudes over the last three centuries is one of intolerance and lack of understanding.
Children who are diagnosed in their early age can often completely overcome their problems with remedial help. Children's brains are more flexible than adults; they can often learn new strategies and are able to re-train their minds to think in more constructive ways. Because this brain elasticity decreases with age, it is important to seek help as early as possible.
We have treated, by the grace of Allah, hundreds of sufferers from various kinds of learning disabilities through homeopathy and achieved marvellous results. I would recommend the parents of children with any form of learning disability to try homeopathy that may change their lives.
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on March 21, 2009
Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kind of learning problems. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, learning spellings, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. It is sometimes linked to perceptual or memory problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined learning disabilities as a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind.
In the field of education the term learning disability basically means that the child or adult has difficulty in picking up new skills, both intellectually and socially.
Learning disabilities are the major cause of repetition of classes by the school going students in Pakistan. The overall repetition rate among the primary school students is very high, (33%), which results in the high drop-out rate.
Learning disabilities vary from person to person. One person may have trouble with reading and writing. Another person may have problems with understanding math. Still another person may have trouble in each of these areas, as well as in understanding what people are saying.
However, this is very important to know that the learning disabilities do not include the learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
There is no single sign that shows a person has a learning disability. Experts look for a noticeable difference between how well a child does in school and how well he or she could do. There are certain clues that may show a child has a learning disability.
When a child has a learning disability, he may have trouble learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds; mistakes when reading aloud, repeats and pauses often; not understand what he or she reads; has real trouble with spelling; messy handwriting or holds a pencil awkwardly, learns language late and have a limited vocabulary; not be able to recall a story in order.
Children with learning disabilities are often very good at a variety of other things. Find out what your child really enjoys doing, playing cricket, fixing toys or working with computers. Give your child plenty of opportunities to pursue his or her potentials and talents.
Research has shown that there are a number of factors leading to learning disabilities such as - the role of genes, problems in brain development (both before and after birth). Low birth weight, lack of oxygen, maternal drugs or premature birth, malnutrition, as well as poor prenatal care may be behind the development of learning disabilities.
Young children who sustain head injuries may also be at risk of developing a learning disorder. The developing fetus, infants, and young children are especially vulnerable to the damage caused by the environmental toxins. Some toxins implicated include certain food additives and preservatives may also cause learning disabilities later in life.
The day-to-day lives of people with a learning disability and their families have always been affected by the way they are perceived and treated by the communities they live in. The history of public and private attitudes over the last three centuries is one of intolerance and lack of understanding.
Children who are diagnosed in their early age can often completely overcome their problems with remedial help. Children's brains are more flexible than adults; they can often learn new strategies and are able to re-train their minds to think in more constructive ways. Because this brain elasticity decreases with age, it is important to seek help as early as possible.
We have treated, by the grace of Allah, hundreds of sufferers from various kinds of learning disabilities through homeopathy and achieved marvellous results. I would recommend the parents of children with any form of learning disability to try homeopathy that may change their lives.