Kidney failure: Dialysis is not the last option
An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on March 21, 2009
Kidneys are the bodys main blood filtration organs. They remove waste products from the blood stream through urine, which is made up of the excess water, salts and waste products.
Damage to the kidneys can cause serious problems. Initial symptoms include fatigue, feeling ill constantly, headaches, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, itchiness of the skin, emotional agitation, unexplained paleness, discoloured fingernails, loss of appetite and decreased alertness.
Kidney function test finds out whether the kidneys are working properly. It measures the level of urea, creatinine, and certain dissolved salts sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonates, which are also called electrolytes.
Urea is a waste product formed from the breakdown of proteins, secreted by the liver, and removed from the blood by the kidneys. A high blood level of urea indicates that the kidneys may not be working properly.
Creatinine is a waste product made by the muscles. It passes into the bloodstream, and is passed out in urine. It is usually a more accurate marker of kidney function than urea. Its level in the blood is an indicator of how well the kidneys are working.
Bicarbonate prevents the bodys tissues from getting too much or too little acid. The kidney and lungs balance the levels of bicarbonate. So if bicarbonate levels are too high or low, it might indicate a problem with those organs.
Sodium plays a major role in regulating the amount of water in the body. Also, the passage of sodium in and out of cells is necessary for many body functions, like transmitting electrical signals in the brain and muscles. The sodium levels are measured to detect whether theres a right balance of sodium and liquid in the blood to carry out those functions.
Potassium is essential to regulate the heartbeats. Its levels that are too high or too low can increase the risk of abnormal heartbeats. Low potassium levels are also associated with muscle weakness.
Chloride, like sodium, helps maintain a balance of fluids in the body. If theres a large loss of chloride, the blood may become more acidic and prevent certain chemical reactions from occurring in the body that are necessary for it to keep working properly.
Dialysis is an artificial process used to remove waste, salt and extra water to keep the body in balance. It is be needed when one loses about 85 to 90 percent of the kidney function, which results in poor appetite, weight loss, tiredness, weakness and nausea. It keeps a safe level of certain chemicals in the blood, such as potassium, sodium and bicarbonates, which helps control blood pressure and improve breathing.
Certain kinds of acute kidney failure get better after dialysis but not always. In chronic or end stage kidneys do not get better and dialysis will be needed for the rest of life, unless the kidneys are transplanted.
People ask me whether homeopathy has any success in cases of renal failure. I say yes. To illustrate this let me mention three cases.
Mrs Iftikharul Hassans creatinine, uric acid and blood urea levels were up to the maximum limits. The day she came to me she was going to have her first dialysis. She was taking 12 different medicines three times a day. After starting her homeopathic treatment I continued tapering off her allopathic medicines. Soon she started improving and her test reports came near to normal ranges. Now she is taking normal, healthy food and by the grace of Allah saved from dialysis.
Mr Malik Karam Elahi from D G Khan was suffering from chronic kidney disease and his pathological reports showed threatening levels of urea and cretinine. He was admitted to the Nishtar Hospital, Multan, where the doctors advised dialysis for him. Doctors told him there was no other treatment for him and that only dialysis could extend his life. In the hospital, one of the doctors advised him to try homeopathy treatment. As Mr Maliks son is living in Rawalpindi so they brought him here. After four months homeopathic treatment, by the grace of Allah, he is on normal food, and spending days as a normal healthy person and his laboratory reports are also normal now.
Master Usman, a four-year-old child, was also advised in the PIMS that he had no other option than dialysis. Usman was referred to me by one of my old patients. After three months homeopthic treatment his reports became quite normal. Usmans reports astonished his allopathic doctors. After his miraculous recovery, by the grace of Allah, many kidney patients were referred to me by PIMS doctors.
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on March 21, 2009
Kidneys are the bodys main blood filtration organs. They remove waste products from the blood stream through urine, which is made up of the excess water, salts and waste products.
Damage to the kidneys can cause serious problems. Initial symptoms include fatigue, feeling ill constantly, headaches, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, itchiness of the skin, emotional agitation, unexplained paleness, discoloured fingernails, loss of appetite and decreased alertness.
Kidney function test finds out whether the kidneys are working properly. It measures the level of urea, creatinine, and certain dissolved salts sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonates, which are also called electrolytes.
Urea is a waste product formed from the breakdown of proteins, secreted by the liver, and removed from the blood by the kidneys. A high blood level of urea indicates that the kidneys may not be working properly.
Creatinine is a waste product made by the muscles. It passes into the bloodstream, and is passed out in urine. It is usually a more accurate marker of kidney function than urea. Its level in the blood is an indicator of how well the kidneys are working.
Bicarbonate prevents the bodys tissues from getting too much or too little acid. The kidney and lungs balance the levels of bicarbonate. So if bicarbonate levels are too high or low, it might indicate a problem with those organs.
Sodium plays a major role in regulating the amount of water in the body. Also, the passage of sodium in and out of cells is necessary for many body functions, like transmitting electrical signals in the brain and muscles. The sodium levels are measured to detect whether theres a right balance of sodium and liquid in the blood to carry out those functions.
Potassium is essential to regulate the heartbeats. Its levels that are too high or too low can increase the risk of abnormal heartbeats. Low potassium levels are also associated with muscle weakness.
Chloride, like sodium, helps maintain a balance of fluids in the body. If theres a large loss of chloride, the blood may become more acidic and prevent certain chemical reactions from occurring in the body that are necessary for it to keep working properly.
Dialysis is an artificial process used to remove waste, salt and extra water to keep the body in balance. It is be needed when one loses about 85 to 90 percent of the kidney function, which results in poor appetite, weight loss, tiredness, weakness and nausea. It keeps a safe level of certain chemicals in the blood, such as potassium, sodium and bicarbonates, which helps control blood pressure and improve breathing.
Certain kinds of acute kidney failure get better after dialysis but not always. In chronic or end stage kidneys do not get better and dialysis will be needed for the rest of life, unless the kidneys are transplanted.
People ask me whether homeopathy has any success in cases of renal failure. I say yes. To illustrate this let me mention three cases.
Mrs Iftikharul Hassans creatinine, uric acid and blood urea levels were up to the maximum limits. The day she came to me she was going to have her first dialysis. She was taking 12 different medicines three times a day. After starting her homeopathic treatment I continued tapering off her allopathic medicines. Soon she started improving and her test reports came near to normal ranges. Now she is taking normal, healthy food and by the grace of Allah saved from dialysis.
Mr Malik Karam Elahi from D G Khan was suffering from chronic kidney disease and his pathological reports showed threatening levels of urea and cretinine. He was admitted to the Nishtar Hospital, Multan, where the doctors advised dialysis for him. Doctors told him there was no other treatment for him and that only dialysis could extend his life. In the hospital, one of the doctors advised him to try homeopathy treatment. As Mr Maliks son is living in Rawalpindi so they brought him here. After four months homeopathic treatment, by the grace of Allah, he is on normal food, and spending days as a normal healthy person and his laboratory reports are also normal now.
Master Usman, a four-year-old child, was also advised in the PIMS that he had no other option than dialysis. Usman was referred to me by one of my old patients. After three months homeopthic treatment his reports became quite normal. Usmans reports astonished his allopathic doctors. After his miraculous recovery, by the grace of Allah, many kidney patients were referred to me by PIMS doctors.