Sciatica: surgery, painkillers give no relief

An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on September 15, 2011

Dysfunction of Sciatic nerve is commonly called sciatica . The pain is usually a shooting pain, like electric shock. It can also burn like fire or tingle much like the feeling when leg goes to sleep. The pain can range from slightly annoying to totally unbearable. Some people have pain in one part of the leg and numbness in another part of the same leg. The affected leg may feel weak.
Sciatica occurs most frequently in people between 30 and 50 years of age. The vast majority of patients get better and find pain relief usually within a few weeks or months without any surgical or non-surgical treatment.
The sciatic nerve starts in the lower spine and runs down the back of each leg. It controls the muscles of the back, knee and lower leg. It provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg and the sole of the foot.
Mr Shahzad Cheema of Gujranwala, whom I successfully treated, was a sciatica patient. He used to feel severe back pain that extended to hips and feet. Sometime this electric shock like pain became so severe that he came out of his bed. Before coming to me, he had visited many professor doctors, who were considered to be authority on the subject. On each visit, many tests - MRI, CT SCAN etc were done and very strong medicines were given but permanent relief remained a distant dream for him.
Almost all doctors Cheema visited advised him surgery, but he had two fears: (i) every surgeon asked for an affidavit before the surgery procedure that the hospital/surgeon would have no responsibility for any mishap and (ii) there is no guarantee for permanent cure. Moreover possible complications include paralysis of the legs during the surgical operation. Most of the patients tend to keep themselves away from surgery in view of these fears. Unfortunately, however, they continue to use painkillers.
Mr Cheema also did not opt for the surgery. But he developed a new life threatening disease: Hepatitis C. Doctors guessed that it was due to the heavy dosage of painkillers he used for relief from sciatica pain.
During the allopathic treatment, many of the patients get mastery on the whole human anatomy and physiology. This medical terminology helps them explain the disease to the next doctor and so on. However, not only their problem persists, but they also suffer more disorders as side effects of different medicines.
The patient is told that Sciatica is generally caused by the compression of lumbar nerves L4 or L5 or sacral nerves S1, S2, or S3, or by compression of the sciatic nerve itself. Pelvic injury or Tumors may also cause sciatica. Trauma to the spine such as from a car accident may also lead to sciatica pain. This palmistry or the medical jargon can only frighten you or convince you for surgery but cannot give you permanent relief.
On the other hand this does not happen with the homeopathic treatment that is based on the ground reality. After studying all the reports and tests a homeopathic doctor gets the symptoms of the patient and finds out what is unusual or strange with the sufferer.
Unlike the allopathic system of medicine that may have the same painkiller for every patient, regardless of different causes of their suffering, in homeopathic system of medicine each patient of sciatica is individualized and a different medicine is prescribed.
For instance some patients experience intense pains along sciatic nerve where pains alternate with numbness extending to the toes. Some patients feel better while sitting in a chair. Some patients feel pain on the left side, which is relieved by motion. Or pains become worse at night while lying on affected side. For some pain is aggravated by motion. A few get relief by lying down. Still there are some patients who feel straining and lifting pains on getting wet and it becomes worse while taking rest and gets relieved by motion. With heat and rubbing the patient feels better. A few patients explain their pains, like cramps, as if the parts were screwed in a vise. It is worse on the right side and at night, and tends to be paroxysmal; relieved by warmth and rest and aggravated by motion. The nerves around the hip joint suffer most severely.
In Homeopathy each such case is studied and treated differently. Moreover, the patient has no fear of suffering from side effects of homeopathic medicines.

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