How to get rid of piles for good

An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on 23rd September, 2010

Piles or hemorrhoids are one of the common diseases human beings suffer from most of times. It is estimated that one of every five persons is hit by piles. 
Most of the patients suffer in silence rather than discussing it with their doctors. Most people will get a hemorrhoid flare-up at some point in their lives.
Technically speaking the pressure on the walls of the rectum weakens the muscles that support the hemorrhoid vessels and these become enlarged, lose their support resulting in a sac-like protrusion inside or outside the rectal canal, called hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids are usually not painful and many people are not even aware that they actually suffer from them. Internal hemorrhoids, however, may bleed when irritated. Untreated internal hemorrhoids can lead to severe forms of hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids are those that occur outside the anal canal. They are sometimes painful, and often accompanied by swelling and irritation. The most common causes of piles, fissures and fistulas are chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, cirrhosis of the liver, constipation, fecal straining, pregnancy, low-fiber diet and the history of piles in the family.
An anal fissure is a tear in the anus causing a painful linear ulcer at margin of the anus. An anal fissure may cause itching pain or bleeding. In adults, fissures may be caused by constipation, the passing of large, hard stools, prolonged diarrhea or by decreased blood flow to the area. Most fissures get healed spontaneously and may not require any treatment.
If you are suffering from hemorrhoids then you are recommended to avoid sitting in the toilet for too long and do not strain or hold your breath during the bowel movement. It is better not to put off going to the toilet when you feel the urge and you should get into the habit of cleaning your bowels at the same time every day. If you have long hours at a desk, take a break every now and then and walk around for five minutes. Make sure you get some exercise in your lunch break as well.
There are a number of treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of piles, but there is no real cure. When a disease persists despite different treatments then it means the cause has been driven deep inside the body by the earlier allopathic treatments.
The patients first reaction is to buy the well known hemorrhoidal creams. Unfortunately these only provide temporary relief by reducing pain and causing the hemorrhoids to become less swollen. It does not treat the cause of hemorrhoids. In some cases the hemorrhoids may subside temporarily but return after a few months with more severe pain and bleeding. They do not however change the conditions inside the human body that allow hemorrhoids develop and grow.
The condition of hemorrhoids tends to get worse with time and over the years. Hence safe, gentle, and effective treatment for hemorrhoids is suggested as soon as the symptoms are felt. Surgery dose not target the root causes like genetic tendencies, habitual constipation etc. Whereas homeopathic medicines go deep at the root cause and can even modify the genetic tendencies thus reducing chances of relapse and recurrence of the condition significantly.
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in the management of piles, fistulas and fissures and the symptoms associated with it such as pain, bleeding, itching, etc. The point to be emphasized is that the relief of symptoms is obtained very gently and without invasion or surgery of any kind.
Mr. Niazi was referred to me by one of my old patients. He was suffering from a fistula in the rectum. The surgeon had tried twice to root out the fistula. He had cut off a large chunk of flesh near his anus.
The wound did not heal even in a months time, though the surgeon was regularly dressing the wound. There was large wound at the anus which was raw and running there was continuous great pain in the wound.
After the homeopathic treatment the discharge from the fistula stopped within four days and the wound was improved by the grace of Allah. Mr. Niazi since then is perfectly all right.
Homeopathic treatment cures the piles by shrinking and reabsorbing hemorrhoids back into the body. It promotes the better blood flow and strengthens and rebuilds the weakened veins.

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