A plan that can wipe out Tuberculosis

An article by
Dr Asghar Ali Shah
Homeopathic Physician
Published in The News International on May 26, 2012

As many as ninety five percent of about eight million people infected with tuberculosis (TB) every year live in the developing countries. An estimated three million people die due to TB every year and Pakistan stands sixth among those countries which have the highest incidence of this disease. The World Health Organization declared TB a global emergency in 1993.
Several attempts were made in the course of medical history to eliminate the threat posed to humankind by the fatal disease. These attempts, however, remained futile.
More than half a century ago doctors had pinned all their hopes on the “wonder drug” Penicillin (the first synthetically produced antibiotic on commercial scale) for the fight against TB. But a generation later the bacteria had become resistant to Penicillin.
After that the doctors introduced antibiotic after antibiotic, but all new formulas met the same fate i.e. they turned ineffective as bacteria became resistant to them also. The doctors then started combining different antibiotics to make them more potent. But even these stronger combinations could not stop the disease from recurring. Moreover, it added to the misery of the patients who suffered life-long side effects.
Many specialists insisted that anti-tuberculosis programmes failed because patients usually did not properly follow their treatment plan. These doctors explained that the TB patients have to take many pills every day for six to nine months continuously but they start skipping their daily doses after experiencing initial improvement and this causes the recurrence of the infection.
The World Health Organization planned and funded yet another anti-tuberculosis programme to rule out the possibility of the patient non-cooperation factor. This plan introduced a ‘Directly Observed Treatment’ programme, or better known as DOT, according to which a patient of TB was supposed to take his daily dosage of medicine in front of a health worker or trained community worker or a member of his family to ensure that he follows the prescribed treatment schedule.
Considering the magnitude of the tuberculosis pandemic it was naturally impossible to make every patient follow the DOT. But wherever this Herculean task was religiously carried out the doctors found no benefit either in finishing or controlling the disease permanently.
When the statistics regarding the failure of the DOT were scientifically analysed the main cause turned out to be the ineffectiveness of the medicines. Some experts instead of admitting the ineffectiveness of the antibiotics started accusing the inefficiency of the medical staff and health workers for the failure of the DOT.
It is a well-documented part of the history of medicine that when some 40 years ago a really effective small-pox vaccine was given in the hands of these health workers they successfully eradicated the disease from the face of the earth. It is worth mentioning here that this small-pox vaccine was made on the homeopathic principle. (A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. It typically contains a small amount of an agent that resembles a microorganism.)
The conventional allopathic system of medicine has not only failed to treat tuberculosis effectively but by neglecting the importance of immunisation it has left the vulnerable exposed to the disease. This negligence or inability has caused a snowball effect which resulted in the spread of the disease to millions.
The homeopathic system of medicine on the other hand has not only been successfully treating the TB patients for the last 200 years but it is also successfully immunising people before they get infected. Homeopathic vaccination process against tuberculosis is simple and extremely effective. Just six doses of homeopathic medicine taken during the course of a couple of years can give a person life-long immunity against the disease.
The level of efficacy of homeopathic treatment for those who have already contracted tuberculosis has also never been paralleled in the history of medicine. Once cured through homeopathic treatment the tubercular infection never recurs in the lifetime of a patient and that too without any side-effects.
Unfortunately homeopathy is being ignored by the pharmaceutical giants because they see no monetary benefit in this simple and highly affordable system of medicine. All national and international health organizations working against tuberculosis should start serving humanity, before it is too late, through this safe and amazingly effective system of medicine.
A plan is suggested for the cause by the name: The DOT-Homeopathic Pilot Project. According to this plan initially 50 TB patients can be selected for their vaccination and treatment. The health organizations may carefully monitor this whole process of homeopathic treatment and vaccination and after seeing the results they can publish their reports for the benefit of millions suffering from tuberculosis.

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